
We store unclaimed money for BC. Some of that money could belong to you.

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Is this legit? Learn more about BC Unclaimed, our mandate from the Province of British Columbia, and how our non-profit organization works.

BC Unclaimed keeps unclaimed money until we find the rightful owner. The money is left behind in places like credit union accounts, estates and courts.

  • $218 millionwaiting to be claimed
  • $3,895,695returned to rightful owners in 2023
  • $1.9 millionlargest dormant account held by BC Unclaimed
Who is BC Unclaimed?

Who is BC Unclaimed?

  • Search

    Search our database. If you find a match, ask for more details.
  • Claims

    Sign up, start a claim, upload documents, or check status.
  • Submit property

    Do you hold unclaimed property? Learn how and why to submit funds to BC Unclaimed.
Learn how BC Unclaimed supports charities all over BC through their work with the Vancouver Foundation.
Vancouver Foundation

What’s new at BC Unclaimed?

Aerial view of Tofino, BC

From Lost to Found: Strategies for Proving Your Unclaimed Funds

One of the trickiest parts of claiming your funds can be proving it’s yours. This blog post will provide some suggestions for where to look, and strategies to get started.

Aerial view of Pentiction, BC

Have you received a letter from BC Unclaimed saying you might have money from a court case? Here’s what you need to know to get started.

If you have received a letter saying you might have money from a court case, this blog will explain where this money comes from, what’s required to claim the money and why, and how to get started.

Coins spilled out of a knocked over glass jar

The cost of claiming what’s yours: understanding the external costs of claiming your money

BC Unclaimed doesn't charge a fee to claim your funds. But sometimes are external costs to get what you need to claim what's yours. This blog post provides three examples of the external costs associated with claiming unclaimed funds.
